27 weeks

27 weeks came and went so quickly! We didn’t get a 27 week photo, I was pretty sick all week. Wednesday morning I got a very severe migraine, I was in bed until Friday afternoon, when I finally called into the doctor and asked them to do another nerve block that same day. I wasn’t sure if it would work since the last two I didn’t get any relief from, but I wanted to try something to stop the cycle of pain, and try and prevent ending up in the ER.

Just so you don’t miss out on baby A’s stats for the week:
Baby is the size of a: head of cauliflower
16 inches, 2.5 lbs

Also we hit another pregnancy milestone this week, baby A had his first hiccups! I wasn’t quite sure if they were it or not, they weren’t very strong feeling, but they were very rhythmic.  I expected them to feel much stronger and move my entire belly, but they were definitely there. We were so excited to finally feel them though. Yes, daddy got to feel them too! 🙂

We will pick up next week with our weekly photo, I promise!


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