Announcement photos

Here’s the announcement we put out on facebook to tell our friends about our big news! It got quite a great reaction! Over 200 likes and 100 comments!! Wow, we are blown away!!! (And I think it was quite a clever way to announce!) Thanks to my friend and neighbor Kaia Lea for venturing out […]

Photos Taken!!

Today we took our announcement photos so we can tell our friends about baby A!! This day has been a long time coming, and after a few scheduling conflicts and sicknesses we finally found someone to take them for us (thanks Kaia!), and we couldn’t be happier with how they looked on the back of […]

Migraines, Ears, and Staples…. Oh my

A few friends sent me an article about AcuStapling, a form of acupressure where a surgical staple is placed in the ear which activates a point that helps releive migraines. After researching it and speaking with my midwife, she gave me the okay to try it. You can see the article here. They said to […]

First Appointment

We went in for our first appointment (11 weeks) at Essentia today and met with a nurse and our midwife, Denise. Because it was the first appointment there was a lot of paperwork and medical history involved, but the highlight of our visit was hearing our baby’s heartbeat. It was a big moment for both […]

10 weeks

The belly is beginning!! 10 weeks now! I’m still having migraines, and doing the best I can to deal with them with no medications. I’ve had some morning sickness, but it hasn’t gotten bad at all! Baby is the size of a prune! Cutest little prune I’m sure. 😉 -Lindsay