24 Weeks

This week: I’ve had a few acupuncture treatments, so far they only be seem to triggering a migraine while I’m getting the treatment. She recommended to give it a few weeks and see if things improve. Baby A is very very active. He’s always moving around and kicking. 🙂

Sewing Success!

With some help (okay a lot of help) from my second cousin Debbie, we made a “taggie” for baby A. It’s a small textured fabric with tags on the ends for baby to touch and feel and use for comfort. I don’t think I did half bad, for being my first project! Now, what to […]

23 Weeks

This week: This week I had acupuncture treatment at the advice of some of the doulas from the meeting last week. I wanted to give it a try since so many of my other options are not available during pregnancy. I’ve done some clothes shopping and found some really cute stuff for baby A! I […]

22 Weeks

Here is the 22 week picture! This week: Baby A continues to kick his mamma like crazy. He’s a very active little boy! I met with a group of doulas in the area and had great conversation! We are in the process of choosing one and it’s a very hard decision! I think we will be very […]

Winter Bump

We ventured outside to take a few pictures of the baby bump. We ran to catch some great light, and as we got to our spot the clouds covered it up, but we took some anyways. It was a very quick shoot, it was cold and windy. But I’m happy we went out, even if […]

21 Weeks

21 weeks! It seems like time is going so fast! No new cravings lately, so I think it’s safe to assume that I’m over that phase. (I still love most of the old ones though, some of them are still going strong.) Speaking of strong, kicks are getting stronger and stronger every day. He’s most […]